
Another Sound Descision.


Sound System


Headunit: Alpine CDA-7787J
Front Splits: McIntosh MSS630 splits
Rear Speakers: Carrozzeria (Pioneer) pods (they came with the car and are turned very low, just to fill in the rear a bit.)
Subwoofers: Nakamichi SP-W120
Subwoofer Amp: Carrozzeria (Pioneer) GM-D6100
So I needed boom boom in my car and I needed to put my McIntosh Tweeters into this car. After much searching I finally found a decent sub at a decent price. A Nakamichi 10 incher (SP-W110). something that doesn’t require too much from the car but packs enough whallop to make my sound stage that much more dynamic.
Hit the Jump for the epic rundown Smile with tongue out

For some reason 1 10 inch became 2 12 inch subs. I tried on numerous occasions to contact the seller but to no avail. Its not like I mind. It made a good deal! A little fishy but hey. I DID try calling the guy 7 times. And I waited almost a month for a reply while I gathered my other equipment, so he had time to call me. Looks like I scored.
I bought a box with 2 junk Kicker comps and put my subs in in their place.
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I also began fabricating tweeter pods as my previous door install location was not Ideal.
I ordered the angled MDF rings online and attached them to a wooden base. I then body puttied them up and sprayed them.
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Not perfect but plenty good enough.
Wiring the amp was relatively painless except for the one screwdriver I dropped into the engine bay. The actual amp as a little more painful as I needed to cut a hole in the carpet and cut a hole in my thumb in the process. Oops. I have a tendency to cut myself whenever I use craft knives. Clearly I should be more careful.
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It was then my intention to fit the box, place everything and cut the wires to the appropriate sizes. BUT. I hit a snag. When I ordered the Box, I checked the dimensions against the size of my boot, not the size of the boot opening. SO I couldn’t get the bloody thing in!!!!
But I wasn’t going to just give up at that. so I wedged the box in the back seat :3
I also didn’t cut down the amp wires yet so While there is boom boom of note in my car, It’s a very ugly install. The tweeters look a bit better but the double sided tape I used to keep the tweets in the pods isn’t the best solution, so I will be doing some epoxying on them soon., I also need to re-aim the passenger side one a bit.
Those few problems aside, The sound in my car had improved dramatically. The quality is such that I can hear the flaws in my MP3 rips which is quite annoying. Lossless sounds great though. I am still thinking to move the subs to the boot because I am losing some mid-bass but I am going to need to use 2 single boxes. I may also need to amp up the front splits too in the fuuuuuuture. Oh yes… and an iPhone line in connector.,
At some point this weekend I will make the mandatory subwoofer showoff YouTube video to draw hate and insult from tall dem  hip hop bustin’ wiggas  out thuuur. No. I I will not be bustin’ any of that dog yapping over bass crap… don’t worry.

Post Script
If anyone has any ideas how I can sort out my woofer  grilles since the ones that came with it fell out and got crunched, drop me a comment. I am thinking 2 diagonal steel tube bars at the moment. Also If anyone reading this is financially well endowed and wants to help me in my quest for audio perfection, I wouldn’t say no to a set of System Dynaudio 362 3way splits Winking smile
I would buy them myself but they cost as much as shaken or a gearbox overhaul, both of which I have to do sometime soon Sad smile