When I came to Japan there was an ALT here who essentially showed me everything and helped me sort out my life, car and well, just about everything here. 3 years later and he is on his way back to his homeland. We went for one last cruise. Sadly for him he had already sold his beast and was in his wife’s rinkydink. no matter we had a good drive on Mt. Akagi.
The two of us in arrived at the predetermined spot and waited… and talked about cars… and waited. Then we rolled up the Touge to find a windswept frozen wasteland. Still very much in the grip of winter despite spring having arrived elsewhere.
We headed to the shrine on the lake to kill some time and we discovered that the little rinkydink had beaten us to the top. How about that.
We then went up to a parking lot I know to do a couple of runs before heading down a very narrow and winding touge that comes out at the Akagi Onsen… Yes. There is an Akagi Onsen. I was surprised to discover this too!
For some reason, I have the urge to visit the hotel there sometime. I should look into it.
Back down the hill and along another rather fun road before heading down into Ogo for a beef bowl. Where we sat and talked shit for a good hour before having to part with the Evo. He had to go in another direction. 
We then headed back to Shibs to watch a movie and were only slightly distracted by the amazing sunset… By slightly distracted I mean I was struggling to keep the car in my lane while shooting out of my sunroof.
Total Distance driven:
about 82km
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