
Canon 5D mark 4, Tokyo Auto Salon leftovers, sushi and more... #7Days7Minutes (2017-01-17)

No holidays in bali, No shots of my trophy girlfriend's ass to generic house music (Though there are some asses to synth wave), No Lamborghini aventadors (Actually, there is 1), just the mundane reality of my life.

You really want to see me vlog? really? Maybe this will change your mind.

Music: Music:
 *Jens Kiilstofte - Gold Coast
 - machinimasound.com legacy tracks
 - https://machinimasound.com/music/gold-coast/
 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

 *MannyMarx - Chances
 - http://mannymarx.com/
 - https://mannymarx.bandcamp.com/track/chances

 - Apple iPhone 7 Plus
 - Sony a7S

 - https://www.instagram.com/darcnoodles/
 - https://twitter.com/darcnoodles

The Japanese Underground - My Passion Project:
 - http://darc.jp
 - http://bit.ly/darcjp666
 - https://www.instagram.com/darc.jp/
 - https://twitter.com/darcjp666

 - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDYQ