
7 Days 7 Minutes (2014-08-18) Driving through Akita, Fireworks, Udon and more...

00:00 MONDAY Train Zombies (Shibuya, Tokyo)
01:00 TUESDAY The Boonies (Yuzawa, Akita)
02:00 WEDNESDAY Driving Akita (Akita)
03:35 notTHURSDAY Trippy Noodles (Mitsunashi, Akita)
04:35 FRIDAY Fo Shiga ma Nigga! (Nagahama, Shiga)
05:30 notSATURDAY Akita Shinkansen (Daisen, Akita)
06:00 SUNDAY Fire Flowers (Kawasaki, Kanagawa)

Friday Music: Mama by The Living 

For the full tracklisting of what I was listening to in the car on Wednesday, hit the jump.
Ive stuck the location links in there too.

Wednesday Tunes in the car...(In the order they appear):

Children of  Bodom - Not My Funeral [YouTube] [iTunes]
Versailles ~Philharmonic Quintet~ - Beast of Desire [YouTube] [iTunes]
The Brilliant Green - Ash Like Snow [YouTube] [iTunes]
Lost Horizon - Pure [YouTube] [iTunes]
Nightcore - Lucky Star [YouTube]
Exist Trace - True [YouTube] [iTunes]
MUCC - Gebera [YouTube] [iTunes]
Rampant - Nude [YouTube] [iTunes]
Children of Bodom - Warheart [YouTube] [iTunes]
DJ Sharpnel - Aim Burst [YouTube]
Dark Tranquility - Dobermann [YouTube] [iTunes]
Sonata Arctica - Weballergy [YouTube] [iTunes]


Monday Location:

Tuesday Location:

Wednesday Drive:

Friday Location: