I went to Tokyo to spend time with Michelle. She wanted to go to get tour goods at some revival thingamabobby for half of a Korean ladyboy band. Don’t really know, don’t really care.
I actually have been writing this post for a week because every time I spend more than 5 minutes thinking about how un-believably stupid these chicks are it gets my blood-a-boiling.
So I am just going to put up the pics… you can then take everything I have ever said about dumb hormone fuelled women who obsess over the image bands create (and think they actually like the music), and multiply it by as many of those sad women you can see in these pictures.
Even Michelle was transformed from a fun, likable, friendly person into a mindless obsessed frothing fan girl zombie by the time she had made it to the end of the 1.5 km long line.
thankfully the condition is not permanent… A sub and a trip to Harajuku later and she was back to her usual fun to be with self… but for a moment there, I was genuinely scared.
Now don’t get me wrong.. if the music was the driving force behind the mob that would be different. but I know true music fans… they won’t queue up like that to trinkets with band member’s faces plastered all over them. tickets or entry to events… yes.. but f@cking cell phone straps and pillow cases. COME ON!
the blood-be-a-boiling again… time to stop.
They should make dildos with these pop boys faces on them. Its the only action these girls are going to get. which is sad.. because many of them are damn fine
at least there are many other fine women that don’t live in TV drama dreamy dream land. Speaking of which… I need to send off a text message.
one last thought… this is really the 6th draft and nicest way i could put this post…
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