It was cold… We were done at the Komochi Orphanage for another shweet session with the kids and Hisami decided to take us to a piece of ‘real’ Japan. So up Mt.Haruna we climbed… in the snow… on my balding normal tires. It actually did get a bit scary towards the end. But somehow we made it.
It really was cold…
So basically this place is an old school tourist house to give people a taste of what Japan was like in the good(bad) ol’ days. It looked Idyllic. Taken straight out of a post card. A warm fire in the the centre of the room. wood and paper and all the trappings of a medieval Japanese dwelling.
They had some blunted Katanas for short people and some holey umbrellas for posing for photos under.
It was actually really cool…
and cold.
But it was still very much one of those ‘Its great to be in rural Japan’ moments. It gave the perfect dose of nostalgia for the romanticised myth of the way things were to leave a fuzzy warm haze (and wood-smoke odour) lingering around me for the rest of the day.
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