Another skilled musician goes off to join Hide's new band.
You will be missed, but your music will live on.
Article from Versialles official site:
2009.8.9 更新 「Versailles」より緊急のお知らせ
兼ねてより体調不良にてお休みをいただいておりましたJasmine Youですが、8月9日未明に永眠いたしました事をまずここにご報告させていただきます。あまりに突然な出来事に、メンバー・スタッフ共に今はまだ茫然と現実を受け入れることで精一杯です。
Translated version: 2009.8.9 「Versailles」 Urgent Announcement
Though Jasmine You had taken time off in order to rest because of poor physical condition, we received a report that early in the morning on August 9th, he died. Because of the extreme abruptness of this news, the members and staff are all dumbfounded and trying hard to accept this it.
As soon as his family has been notified and updated as to the details and we receive their permission, we will further report to all of the fans.
Moreover, with the current announcement, in regards to activity, please allow us to postpone it.
May is soul rest in peace. m(-_-)m
That is to say, "May HIS soul rest in peace." DX
fuck that. May his soul keep rocking out!
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