Anyway. I miss them terribly. They were such awesome kids, happy and friendly, but on the bright side I have started noticing a slight change in the new 3rd years they are still a bad bunch but they seem to be getting better.
There may be hope yet, We will see for certain when the new term starts.
Its not just the 3rd years that have left though. We are geting alot of new teachers nex year, and some awesome teachers will be leaving us sadly. Mogi, Ishida, Yokoo, Fukushima, Kobutaki, Kanno, Suda, Koike and Takenouchi senseis will be missed. but I will probably still hang ut with Yokoo, Koike and Takenouchi senseis so its all good. and Mogi sensei wants to go driving on Haruna with me... thats always something I am up for. :3
Yeah a new year is about to begin and with it comes new fun! I'm gonna hit it like i'd hit a Korean pop star!
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