
The Eyes of The Law - Akihabara, Tokyo.


The other day I was in Akihabara again for the first time in a few weeks and I had noticed these signs up on the lamp posts. I only saw the Japanese and Chinese ones but it's likely that they exist in Korean and English too. Basically they say that Hawking is a crime, and selling pirate branded goods/dvds is a no no. So you better not do it... ' cos the EYES are watching you!


Firstly. Anyone who buys branded goods just because they want to show off the brand is a moron of biblical proportions, a waste of resources and quite frankly a disgrace to our species. I cannot even fathom the level of stupidity required for someone to consciously buy a fake branded product so they can pretend they are like the morons who buy and show off actual brands.


As for the DVDs... It's 2014 in Tokyo!! Who the hell still watches DVDs??