I could give you a write up about the whole thing but the truth is you just want to look at the pictures and wish you went with… so here you go… I may throw in some captions for good measure… I may not.
We left Shibukawa THIS early. Innit pretty?
The cars were amazing… no shit huh!
The girls however (with the exception of the D1 and Tire company girls) were clearly hit by the recession. The girls were average at best. Very Disapointing actually. Hell one of the hottest girls there was a TRAP! so yeah. Bloody yanks and their stupid economy messed up my fanservice. BASTARDS!

And wherever there were ladies, there were these mofos. Like flies on shit. They swarmed and went into a frenzy. Its funny how the guys with the uber badass equipment only ever took pics of the girls… Didn’t see anyone of these fools (whose cameras cost more than their cars) actually shooting the stars of the show.
So more cars then?
There was a rather interesting deal at the show aswell… THERE WERE HIPPIE MOBILES!!!!!!

MUGEN, The legendary Honda tuning house and their star concept… no, not an NSX. Not an S2000 not even a Civic. A BLOODY HONDA INSIGHT!!!!!! A BLOODY HYBRID!!!!!

Give me a 2JZ any day.
Badass parts too :p

and the HUGE turbo… About the size of a small child. No really… It half as big as the rotary it was feeding… Its ok… The car had a parachute.
pink wheels are real sexy… though I wouldn’t kick some of the Up Garage(middle pic) girls out of bed though.
And in the Otaku had a tiny corner at the back of the smallest hall for their Itasha. Funnily. It was not a terribly popular stand. Who would have thunk it?
and the dressup and crazy crowd was in the house too…
Best for last….

Supra modded into a Shelby… with an LED bonnet.

Sexier Supra with BMW lights…. Damn it was fiiine.

Amazing widebody S2000. DO WANT!

THE BEST REAL CAR AT THE SHOW!!!!! Someone destroyed a Honda Odyssey and kept the lights. He attached them to a hot S13 and made the sexiest sr20 housing I have ever seen!
Behold… THE Toyota FT-86 The new Hachiroku.