
Jamaica Fest 2011– Shibuya

P1160870The second day of the trip to Tokyo with mom saw us heading towards the cool side of town. We started in Harajuku and moved through Omotesando and back up to Yoyogi park. No real plan, just to look at stuff and take in the sights and sounds of the more vibrant side of the city…
hit the jump


Shots #58 Japan’s Most Wanted


A bunch of cultists and killers. I honestly would be hard pressed to remember this if I happen to walk past someone who looks like one of these peeps. Pity cos if you provide info that helps in arresting them, help out there are some shweeeeeeeet rewards on offer!


Children of Bodom @ SHIBUYA AX June 2011 Live Report… Amorphis was there too :p

It has been too long since I have been to a decent live. I was looking at the COBHC site with my lady because I knew there was bound to be a tour for the new album “Relentless Reckless Forever” and the likelihood that they would come to Japan was high… As it turns out it was only 2 weeks away. Lucky me. I booked, head to the 7-11, played and picked up… I was going to see my favourite band live… AGAIN!


Tokyo Stickers ~5 hit combo~

Graffiti in the traditional spray-paint tagging sense is definitely a feature of Tokyo’s urban landscape, but in the hipper, more happening parts of the city like Harajuku, Shibuya and Shinjuku, Something you notice on almost every wall, signboard and lamppost are these stickers. Some are advertising but most is just street design. Simple, effective and very nicely done. Has this trend taken hold in any of the cities you guys inhabit?



Tokyo - Asakusa

After we had a good stroll through Kappabashi, we hoofed it down to one of the more well known tourist attractions in Tokyo. Senjo-ji complex in Asakusa.


Shots #56 - WHAT!



That is a watermelon. A very small watermelon. It costs about R250. Welcome to Japan.




On her last weekend here, I took the mother to Tokyo to see the big city. She had had some art type project involving balconies and she found teacup balconies on the interwebs and decided that she needed to see them in person. After some googling and gmapping, I eventually found them in a lesser known town in Tokyo… Kappabashi.

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You would think that using Kerosene stoves and coal heaters in houses made out of wood and paper would be a bit like building Nuclear power plants in a country prone to Earthquakes and Tsunamis. You would be right.
At the end of winter when Shibukawa is at it’s driest, windiest and still cold enough to warrant a heater there are always fires.