Shin Yamato Damacy ep.08 Tokyo Anime Fair 2010
Episode 8 is alive...
We hit up the Tokyo Anime fair in march and asked the Otaku about Otaku stuff.
a bit late compared to when we filmed it, but as they say...Better late than pregnant!
Shots #24 Heavy Metal
LOUD PARK 2010 ~ Part 2
“Great music to eat a
KFC rounder to.”
Stone Sour
“there was no shortage of emotion, passion and sheer skill”
After all… there was a whole day to follow.
Continued to be…
<Part 1> <Part 2> <Part 3> <Part 4>
LOUD PARK 2010 ~ Part 1
“A unique sound that still
got the blood pumping.”
Amon Amarth
“Metal is and always
will be a live genre”
Dir en grey
Holy science!!!
They blew my skull in!!!
“Many couldn’t take it
and got far away from the
seething circle of fury ”
<Part 1> <Part 2> <Part 3> <Part 4>
Shit Happens
in extremely pleasant surroundings.
I am still writing the LOUD PARK live report (part 1 is up) so let me build up some anticipation with pictures of the facilities. These pics were taken near the end of the 2nd day.
This is why I like Japan.
You can be at the most brutal live with some of the most bat shit insane metalheads on earth and still take a dump in sanitary conditions.
A new look.
SO i chose the simple template and worked the colours to look similar to my favorite wordpress theme, Firebug. but due to various things mine actually looks a whole lot better.
woot woot
The facebook comment integration was an iffy spiffy so I am still debating whether or not to keep it. for now I will re enable blogger comments. let me know what you think.
If a tree falls in the woods…
A few weekends ago, I took a drive with my lady and camera on a mission to take some decent pics of my new car now that the suspension and front wheels are sorted.. Happened to be one of the best (and probably the most romantic) cruises of my life. marred slightly by the fact that I was sick.
We hit up the Nihon romantic highway over Komochi past the Observatory and into Takayama which honestly looked like somewhere better placed in the south of France or Tuscany. Admittedly it was rice and not wheat, but the effect was similar.
“GREAT location…
but that was only the beginning.”
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We then left the road just before the big tunnel to follow the old road (which has now become a service path for the tunnel). It started out really well. A nice private tree lined roadway. GREAT location… but that was only the beginning.
But then things started going downhill… in every sense. The road narrowed out and was covered in odd logs and rocks… hit the bottom on a number of things and had to stop to clear the path a number of times. it was stressful, but WOW the scenery.
“These are the woods
where trees fall down and
don’t make a sound.”
We expected to be jumped by a bear or possibly a vengeful spirit. These are the woods where trees fall down and don’t make a sound. It was VERY freaky and very cool. Just so happens bizarre exploration mission mungness is the sort of thing both Sayo and I love to do so we both rather enjoyed the detour… though I was a bit worried about scratching up the car.
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Eventually however we made it out and back onto the proper road where i put foot and gunned it toward Minakami…
Will I ever go there again? not all the way in my car. But maybe in something a little narrower and with better ground clearence. After all it wasn’t nearly as hectic as the route from Underberg to The N3 in The Drakensberg.
to be continued…
Of Meat and Men
As those of you who knew me when I left SA two and a tiny bit years ago, I have undergone drastic body reform. I have lost 30 odd kg and have almost doubled my physical strength. The Kanashima Training room has been an instrumental part of this transformation.
Last night the men of the gym went out and ate some good meat grilled over coals together. It was a rather manly night.
The gym is one of the best in Gunma. Its only 5000 yen a month and it only has the bare minimum of equipment that is needed to get and stay in shape. There is no bling like the JOYFITs and GOLD’S GYMS and there is no posturing of posers. people who go there train hard and train properly.
Suzuki Sensei himself is a physiotherapist, ex GSDF (soldier), 3 time Kanto arm wrestling champion and a Kanto power lifting champion. The training credentials of some of the other members is also pretty impressive. Olympic Judo, National karate, Pro baseball, lots of power lifting, and one professional Piano mover… oh and a banker.
We also have a few mechanics, a VERY strong and buff Gyaru-o, Physiotherapy uni students and a number of High school athletes (the ones who are likely to be scouted) In fact one of our High-schoolers lives all the way in Takasaki but comes to our Gym cos the training advice is better than any gym there. You think that’s good, Our National Karate athlete comes in from Saitama, not every day but he gets training advice from Suzuki sensei and applies it where he is.
And the training advice is unbelievable. Apart from Suzuki sensei himself the simple fact that you are doing squats in the same room as actual athletes means if your feet are off by a cm (and I really do mean a cm) you will be corrected. Which is great. I have learnt an un believable amount about the mechanics of human motion and how to train just about everywhere (and how to recover from it) just by chatting with the guys.
Many of you will be thinking yeah whatever. and I can think of SOME of you who will probably accuse me of just talking out of my arse.
Look at my results. the proof is in my body. Yeah I know I still have a bit of a fat jacket but if you can look at me then and look at me now and still talk shit you are a bitter jealous fool.
The night itself was an unbelievably good time. Manly men eating Meat… I daresay the meat in Japan doesn’t look all that manly, but it was an eat as much as you like affair… and wow did we ever. Most yakiniku nights I have had (even the eat as much as you like ones) are slow. people don’t actually do a lot of consumption, but we were eating through plates of meat faster than Pink Salon workers eat through cock.
It was a never ending stream of sizzling protein and talk about strength and training.
There was a whole bunch of arm wrestling too. It was a very manly night in what as up till today been a very manly weekend.
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I’m just saying…
Japan has always been good at reducing the world’s population of whales!
RastaBanana iPhone4 high gloss film *REVIEW*
I have been meaning to add tech reviews and product reviews to this blog for a while but I keep forgetting to take pics of the packaging (apparently, that matters to some people.)
Something else that people tend to put stock in is price. More expensive = better quality. Japan revolves around this concept and therefore a product like RastaBanana’s high gloss (and anti glare) protective films would generally fall into the cheap shit from china category.
Firstly: Its made in Japan
Secondly: any of the Softbank branded accessories are generally made by RastaBanana. You would think Softbank would not endorse complete crap.
The story begins with me purchasing a Tunewear Softshell case for my new phone. It seemed like the best quality TPU case out there at the moment since switch easy hasn’t released an iPhone4 version of their Vulcan cases. (at this time I too ignored the RastaBanana offerings.) No worries there, the case is awesome! gives me exactly what I want and does the same job as the Vulcan did on my 3g. in a word. Its perfect.
“the 「Tunewear Softshell」
case is awesome!…
The packaged film…was anti-glare
which completely STUFFED UP
the retina display.”
I hit up the K’s Denki in Shibukawa:
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They only had this RastaBanana stuff for ¥498. Ok it looked iffy and I was like… whatever its only for 2 weeks. I go home, opened the package and it was Spartan. no microfiber cloth, no applicator.. fokol. No worries, both came with the case. its cool. Its only for 2 weeks.