
Spring #RandomJapan

Not the first plum blossom of the season (actually it's one of the last) but it's the first one I shot this season, so there!



Hail Oden! Maruken Suisan 丸健水産 (赤羽 Akabane, Tokyo part 1) | It's Not Sushi ft. The Germanator

Music by MANNY MARX. http://manymarx.com

The Germanator and I went out one last time before he headed back. We hit up Maruken Suisan, thus far, the best oden shop I've been to in Japan.


Subscribe to the Germanator


Bringing down property values #JapaneseRides

I like seeing rough rides on the sterile streets of Tokyo, because, more often than not, they are driven by those bent nails that refuse to be hammered down by Japanese mainstream society. One day, very soon, I will, once again, rumble down the boring boulevards in my S14, a blight on my surroundings, a stiff middle finger to convention, free from the impositions of the herds of sheeple on their cattle-cart trains.


Shibuya Static #TokyoStreets

Another Instagram piece that Instagram quality just doesn't do proper justice to. That said, It was on Instagram ages ago... so there is that, Incidentally, watermark aside, this shot is all in-camera. No lightroom processing for a change.


Pagan metal, Cyberjapan dancers and slices of Tokyo #7Days7Minutes (2016-1-18)

This one turned out pretty well for a 7 Days 7 Minutes. It makes Tokyo look way better than it should though :p

as always. Big ups to MannyMarx for letting me at his tunes. commission him to make sounds for you here: http://mannymarx.com


Tokyo Autosalon 2016 (wide wheels & high heels) 東京オートサロン 2016 #RandomJapan

2016 is here and like last year, my first big video of of the year is from the 2016 Tokyo Autosalon. I hope you guys enjoy drooling over the rides and ladies from this year as much as I did at the show.

As always, If you like it, I'd appreciate it if you share it with your peeps.

"Preoccupied in Thoughts" (RewindTheWeekend Remix)” by DJ DeadSheakerz feat. HunterSynth
